Secretariat of Fatima

Fr. Krzysztof Czapla, PhD, S.A.C., Head of the Secretariat of Fatima

Activities and Mission of the Secretariat of Fatima in Zakopane

The Fatima Secretariat operates at the Shrine in Krzeptówki; however, they are two separate entities.

I. Heritage of history

The Secretariat of Fatima was established in 1996. To understand the meaning and purpose of its creation, reference should be made to some events in the history of Poland and the Church in Poland:

1. The involvement of Pallottine priests in the development of the Fatima cult, starting with the preparation of the act of dedicating Poland to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on September 8, 1946.

2. Handing over the statue of Our Lady of Fatima by the Primate of Poland, Stefan Wyszyński to the Pallottine priests from Zakopane (1961). These beautiful words of the message were spoken then by the Primate to Fr. Stanisław Czapla, then the superior of the community in Zakopane: “I transfer the statue of Our Lady of Fatima to the Pallottines to Krzeptówki, Zakopane, so that it would defend Poland in the south, the other remains in Bielany to defend Poland in the east”.

3. It is worth emphasizing that the statue of Our Lady offered by the Primate did not stay in Zakopane but made pilgrimages to Polish dioceses along with Pallottine missionaries preaching the retreats of the Family Rosary Crusade.

4. Contribution to the development of the Fatima cult in Poland

Although there are earlier (as to the time of their inception) places of Fatima cult, like Tarnów, Turza Śląska and Trzebinia, it is Krzeptówki that from the beginning has been characterized by apostolic activities that go beyond the borders of the parish or diocese. The dynamism and apostolic commitment that have characterized the Fatima Centre in Zakopane from the outset seem to be its distinctive features, which need to be emphasized in order to properly perceive their later fruits: the creation of the Shrine of Fatima and other apostolic works.

5. For the sake of proper development of Our Lady of Fatima cult in Poland, with a view to providing priests and faithful with relevant materials on the subject of Fatima, on the initiative of Fr. Mirosław Drozdek S.A.C. publishing house “Library of Fatima” (“Biblioteka Fatimska”). is founded in 1992. As part of the series of this publisher, many valuable publications have appeared, pioneering in Europe and the world (e.g. “Fatima Prayer Book”).

6. Initiating Fatima apostolic movements in Poland in 1995-1996: the Family Rosary Crusade, the White Army – Fatima apostolate for children and the Apostolate of Fatima Families, which statutes were positively evaluated by the Committee for Pastoral Care of Families of KEP.

7. The involvement of the Pallottines in the development of the Fatima cult in Poland was noticed by the Polish Episcopate during the peregrination of the statue of Our Lady of Fatima in 1995-1996. At that time, the Pallottine priests were entrusted with the protection of the statue of the Mother of God during the visitation.

II. The establishment of the Secretariat of Fatima

All these events and circumstances contributed to the intensification of apostolic activities undertaken by the Pallottines in the work of spreading the message of Fatima. From the beginning, these efforts were accompanied by the thought and desire – in the interest of proper development of the cult of Our Lady of Fatima and of Fatima piety – to develop appropriate materials and pastoral help. For this purpose, the Provincial Board of the Pallottine Fathers appointed in 1996 the Secretariat of Fatima at the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima in Zakopane, with Fr. Mirosław Drozdek, S.A.C., as its first director.

The love for Fatima and the dynamism of the curator from Krzeptówki and his long-term cooperation with the Shrine of Fatima in Portugal and Marian centres in many countries had a defining influence on the shape of the Fatima cult in Poland.

The “Fatima Library” releases became very much appreciated, often constituting one of the first editions prepared for the pastoral use. About 40 valuable books have been published, as well as many newsletters, leaflets and various types of publications.

One should also remind the organization of international Fatima congresses (1990-1997), keeping the largest (after the Shrine in Fatima) documentation related to the apparitions and the development of the Fatima message, independent research on the phenomenon of the message of Fatima, publishing an annual Bulletin for Pilgrims, maintaining constant contact with major centers of Fatima worship in the world, and participation in all significant congresses and seminars on Fatima-related topics. 

On the initiative of the Secretariat of Fatima, retreats for priests were organized, all of them related to the development of the cult of Fatima in Poland. Between 2002 and 2004 three editions of the retreats took place with the participation of the rector of Fatima, Fr. Luciano Guerra (two in Zakopane and one in the Shrine of Fatima).

III. Reorganization of the Secretariat of Fatima after 2007

After Fr. Miroslaw Drozdek’s death (May 25, 2007) the reorganization of the structure of the Secretariat of Fatima began, combined with the amendment to its statute, which outlined, among others, the following objectives and scope of activity:

“The Fatima Secretariat undertakes initiatives to spread the message of Our Lady of Fatima and to promote the cult of Fatima in Poland and in the world; in this respect, it supports existing and emerging shrines and centres of Fatima worship.

It pursues its goals by taking the following actions:

– collecting literature and documentation on the message and cult of Fatima,

– providing the latest and source materials related to the content of the message and forms of Fatima worship through publishing activities and the use of social media,

– maintaining close contacts and cooperation with the Shrine of Our Lady in Fatima and undertaking joint initiatives with other shrines and institutions related to the Message of Fatima”.

Here is one of the last published texts of Fr. Drozdek (published in the Bulletin for Pilgrims for 2016) – his ideological testament for future activities undertaken by the Secretariat of Fatima.

“On first Saturdays the victory comes

1. From the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima in Zakopane-Krzeptówki, we announce the cordial Fatima appeal to join in the solidarity service of the first Saturdays with John Paul II.

We start this service on April 1st this year, linking it with the first anniversary of the death of the Servant of God John Paul II and sister Lucia of Fatima (February 13th). There is no need to explain to anyone how far the deaths of the last Fatima visionary and of Pope John Paul II are related to the message of Fatima. We know that the third part of the secret of Fatima, with the miracle inscribed in it – that is, saving the life of the Holy Father, who was to be killed in a deadly attempt in 1981 – connected Our Lady of Fatima and her message with the Polish Pope. This occurrence indicated us, believers, the next important stage of the Fatima message. Yes, Fatima’s promises are being fulfilled before our very eyes. We participate in this secret. This participation means that we are facing a new task…

2. During the second pilgrimage to Fatima (1991), the Holy Father John Paul II said: “In 1917, here in Fatima, Mary with motherly firmness urged all humanity to conversion and prayer. After 75 years, many elements have changed in the panorama of Europe and the world, during this century, and especially in recent years, we have witnessed numerous momentous events. Fatima, continuing silent listening to God’s voice, is still a constant reference point and a call to live the Gospel. A light of consolation spills over from Cova da Iria, bringing hope and allowing us to understand the events that shape the end of the second millennium”.

A lot of time has passed since 1991, a lot has happened, and many historical facts related to the Message of Fatima occurred. This story also includes the death of Sister Lucia and the departure of our beloved  Pope John Paul II to the House of Father. His crossing the threshold of eternity on the first Saturday of the month, more – at the time of Jasna Góra Appeal – it is a special sign for us.

3. This year there are two historical events: the 60th anniversary of the act of entrusting the Polish Nation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary at Jasna Góra (September 8, 1946) and the 25th anniversary of the assassination attempt and the miracle of saving the life of John Paul II on May 13, 1981”.

IV. The idea of ​​the Great Novena of Fatima.

The circumstance that outlined and dominated the activities of the Fatima Secretariat after 2007 was the upcoming 100th anniversary of the Fatima apparitions. It became a specific reference and mobilization in the development of guidelines and the nature of the work, which eventually, in 2009, got the name of the Great Novena of Fatima.

The Great Novena is a work which aim was to unite all the strengths and hearts that love Mary, and to help the modern world apprehend the message of Fatima, acting in response to the requests of Mother of God.

The Novena began on May 13, 2009, but it was assumed that you could join in at any time, and anyone who wanted to pray and work for Mary could do so.

In Fatima, the Holy Mother invited everyone to cooperate in the work of salvation. On the threshold of the centenary of her apparitions, one had to take to heart this urgent call to get involved in saving the world. Therefore, the Novena is an invitation to prayer, sacrifice, catechesis, apostolate, preaching thematic sermons; it is an invitation to Rosary or devotion of the Five First Saturdays. All this so that “Mary would be more known and loved by people all over the world, that the time would come for the triumph of her Immaculate Heart.”

To join the work of the Great Novena of Fatima meant to fulfill what Mary had asked for at Fatima: a daily Rosary, dedication to her Immaculate Heart, and repairing for the sins that hurt her Immaculate Heart on first five Saturdays of the month. Everyone undertaking the idea of ​​the Novena of Fatima should make one or several of the following commitments:

1. praying the rosary, preferably every day, as Our Lady asked us to do

2. celebrating the First Saturdays devotion for the consecutive five first Saturdays of the month, with faith and love, repairing for the sins that hurt the Immaculate Heart of Mary

3. consciously entrusting himself to the Immaculate Heart of Mary at least once a year, on August 22, on the feast of Queenship of Mary (according to the ordinance of Holy Father Pius XII, on that day the whole Church should renew consecration to the Immaculate Heart)

4. saying the Great Novena of Fatima, e.g. once a week; this prayer was a sign of the unity of everyone joining the Novena

5. participating in Fatima services held on the thirteenth day of the month

6. getting to know Mary better and better, e.g. by reading relevant books

Each year of the Novena was related to the fixed topic for the year, which was bringing closer and indicating the important substance of the message of Our Lady of Fatima. The topics for the consecutive years of Novena were as follow:

2009 – SURE OF THE VICTORY. Confrontation with the civilization of death.

2010 – SAFE ON THE EDGE OF TIME. Always with Mary.

2011 – MORE THAN WORLDLINESS. There is heaven, there is hell, there is purgatory.

2012 – WE DON’T LIVE FOR OURSELVES. Compensation for the sins of the world.

2013 – THE EUCHARISTIC KEY. A miracle of miracles that changes everything.

2014 – INVITED TO HEAVEN. Yet the rosary, scapular, penitential cord.

2015 – POWER OF THE FAMILY. Home Church, which cannot be prevailed by the gates of   the netherworld.

2016 – GOD IS MERCIFUL. The last word belongs to God who is Love.

2017 – ROAD THROUGH THE HEART. Covenant of the hearts: Jesus’, Mary’s and ours.

Position and evaluation of the Great Novena of Fatima by the Shrine of Fatima

The position and evaluation done by the Shrine of Fatima were the mobilizing factor and supported the intention to prepare for the 100th anniversary of the Apparitions in Fatima through the Great Novena of Fatima.

“This is how we feel:

1. The Great Novena is opportune since the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary needs to be spread. In this context, the memorable date of the First Centennial of the Apparitions of Fatima may serve as a strong incentive for Christians to adhere more intensely to this devotion. One thing is sure: it will surely be a great contribution to the spreading of the Message of Fatima throughout the world.

2. The Great Novena expresses well how Fatima stand in the hearts of many and it is a hope for today’s Church. Fatima maintains its entire its prophetic density, as it was stressed by Pope Benedict XVI in his homily of last May 13 at Fatima:It is a mistake to think the prophetic mission of Fatima has ended.

3. The Great Novena is the initiative known to the Shrine of Fatima whose purpose is to prepare, in an organized, coherent, open way, and for a long period of time (9 years) the First Centennial of the Apparitions of Fatima in 2017. May the Lord help you to carry out such auspicious plan, for, as John Paul II wrote, from amongst the signs of the time in the XX century, Fatima stands out, helping us see the hand of God, provident guide and patient and compassionate Father also in this XX century. We stress the fact the first initiative comes from Poland, Country strongly linked to Fatima. The Bishop dressed in white, the much-missed Pope John Paul II, who succumbed, wounded by bullets, came from this land, came from the Polish Nation. By this initiative, the people of this Country show to be conscious precisely of this. We are pleased to notice that the Great Novena is already spreading to other countries”.As it turned out, the Great Novena was a unique apostolic activity known to the Shrine of Fatima. And most importantly, the idea of ​​the Great Novena of Fatima develops every year, although the period of 9 years initially seemed to be a long one. Another initiative of a similar dimension appeared in cooperation with the newspaper “Nasz Dziennik”: the idea of ​​celebrating the first Saturdays of month as a gift for the canonization of John Paul II. As it turned out, this activity, which brought Poles together in such large numbers, was the first of its kind in canonization history.

Od 2009 roku, a zatem wraz z rozpoczęciem 9-letnich przygotowań do 100. rocznicy fatimskich objawień, zgodnie z przyjętymi założeniami, podjęte zostały wysiłki mające na celu pogłębienie teologiczne i duchowe oraz ujednolicenie i uporządkowanie kształtu pobożności fatimskiej. W treści Orędzia Fatimskiego główny akcent spoczywa na nabożeństwie do Niepokalanego Serca Maryi, co nie zawsze było dostrzegane, czy też nie zawsze znajdowało właściwe odzwierciedlenie w szeroko rozumianym kulcie fatimskim. Dlatego też, jako pierwszoplanowe zostały podjęte działania, aby przypomnieć treść Fatimskiego Przesłania, dostarczyć pogłębionej refleksji teologicznej oraz ukazać kształt i ważność wspomnianego nabożeństwa do Serca Maryi. W ten sposób narodziła się seria materiałów wydawanych przez Sekretariat, aby dostarczyć duszpasterzom oraz wiernym odpowiednich pomocy: duszpasterskich, homiletycznych czy katechetycznych.

V. Publications issued and prepared by the Secretariat of Fatima

Since 2009 (along with the 9-year preparations for the 100th anniversary of the Fatima Apparitions), actions have been taken to recall the content of the Message of Fatima, to provide in-depth theological reflection and to show the idea and importance of the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. In this way a series of materials issued by the Secretariat emerged to provide priests and believers with pastoral, homiletic and catechetical help. Every year, resources have been prepared in the form of books (more than 30 for 9 years), posters, folders, leaflets, pictures, audio-visual recordings or radio and television programs. Meditation recordings for the first Saturdays, which were and are available in parishes, prayer groups and radio stations in many places in Poland and in the world have proved to be very valuable and useful.

VI. Other forms of apostolate:

1. The Catholic media, which engaged in cooperation with the Secretariat of Fatima, played an invaluable role in the development of the Great Novena of Fatima. An outstanding contribution to it have: “Radio Maryja” and “TV Trwam”, as well as “Nasz Dziennik”, “Tygodnik Katolicki Niedziela”, “Przewodnik Katolicki”, “Miesięcznik Różaniec” and many magazines and radio stations with a regional coverage including “Radio Alex”, which from 2012 broadcasts live expiation service on the first Saturdays.

2. Secretariat’s website: , where you can benefit from pastoral support in the form of texts, photos, multimedia presentations, the first Saturday meditations’ audio recordings, etc. The electronic resources are free to use for everyone. 

The scale of apostolate over the Internet has a huge scope. At present, believers from almost all over the world unite using the Secretariat’s website.

3. The database on the Secretariat’s website contains information regarding about 1000 parishes in Poland which introduced the Five First Saturday of the month devotion, and used the materials developed by the Secretariat. Entries were made after the parishes reported the conducting of the devotion in accordance with the indications of the message of Fatima. We note that there is a slow but systematic development of the service (new records are constantly uploaded).

4. In 2015, the Secretariat of Fatima initiated nationwide formation and pastoral meetings for priests and lay animators involved in the development of Fatima services.

5. The permanent activity of the Secretariat of Fatima during the Great Novena of Fatima was conducting retreats of Fatima in parishes, days of recollections, conferences, pastoral workshops for priests and seminaries, religious congregations, prayer assemblies and apostolic movements.

6. The Golden Book of the Great Novena of Fatima

The idea of ​​the Great Novena in the years 2009-2017 reached over 2,500 towns in Poland and 31 Polish communities around the world. In the Golden Book of the Great Novena of Fatima, which was transferred to the Shrine of Fatima on 19 November 2017, there are over 3 million records. The number includes: individuals, religious congregations, prayer communities, apostolic movements, parishes and Polish Catholic Missions.

VII. Sociological research

At the end of 2015, the research on Marian piety in Polish parishes was conducted (in cooperation with the Institute of Sociology of the Catholic Church). The results were published in a report in 2016. The conclusions of the study translate into proposals for further challenges and the shape of the mission carried out by the Secretariat of Fatima.

The outcome of surveys carried out in all Catholic parishes indicate that the Fatima service is present in most parishes (72%) in Poland.

The most prominent features of the Fatima service are: organization of the Five First Saturdays of the month Devotion (80%), encouragement to confession (82% of the parishes with the Fatima service) and Holy Communion of Reparation (80%), praying the Rosary together (80%). Significantly less frequent in Fatima services is the intention to reward to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (46%) and the 15-minute meditation (37%).

The Fatima Devotion is therefore one of the most popular Marian Devotions in Polish parishes (next to the Rosary and May Devotions), and yet the rewarding service on first Saturdays is practiced in correct form only in 37% of Polish parishes. Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (e.g. August 22 on the day Queenship of Mary) is practiced only in 23.7% of Polish parishes. Thus, although the practice of these forms of worship, which are explicitly indicated in the content of the Call of Our Lady of Fatima, significantly increased compared to previous years, there is still a clear disproportion in relation to the number of parishes where Fatima services on the 13th day of the month are celebrated – mainly from May to October.

VIII. Challenges for the future

The Fatima Secretariat is currently the only centre in Poland that really promotes Fatima piety beyond the diocesan dimension, as well as does it in a systematic and multifaceted way. The emphasis on devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary seems to be still valid and constitutes a kind of challenge for the future. It can be assumed that this devotion is already essentially identifiable and is no longer a kind of novelty in the context of Fatima, which should be considered a radical change. However, much remains to be done in terms of enlivening, unifying and ordering. We are currently awaiting the guidelines of the Polish Episcopal Conference (KEP) Liturgical Commission regarding the Fatima piety for the first Saturdays of the month and the liturgical memorial of Queenship of Mary (August 22). For this reason, the mission of the Secretariat of Fatima remains relevant and awaits the challenges of future initiatives.

The words of the Pastoral Letter of the Polish Episcopate dated May 21, 2017 unambiguously emphasized that the approach of the Secretariat of Fatima is correct and valid.

“Let’s implement the message from Fatima!

The message of Fatima is continually addressed to the whole Church.

Embracing of the message of Fatima is also expressed in joining in the celebration of the first Saturdays of the month. Everyone who for the five first Saturdays will be in a state of sanctifying grace, will receive Holy Communion and will recite one set of the Rosary, pondering, in union with the Mother of God, the mysteries of the Rosary, with the intention of repairing for the sins of the world, he will not become a passive viewer but an active participant in this message”.

One Intention Crusade

Let us be united in One Intention:

“That Mary would be more known and loved; that her Call from Fatima would be known and embraced in the world

The One Intention Crusade is a continuation of the Great Fatima Novena.

Its main goal is to unite Poland and the world in prayer by the Immaculate Heart of Mary on the first Saturday of each month. In this way, by fulfilling the directions of Mother of God, we can experience what was promised: the conversion of Russia, peace for the world and triumph over evil in the sign of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

More details about the crusade can be found at:

Great Novena of Fatima (2009-2017)

The Great Novena of Fatima began on May 13, 2009 and ended on May 13, 2017.

The Great Novena of Fatima was initiated by the Secretariat of Fatima in Krzeptówki and covered the whole Poland.

You could join this work at any time, and anyone who wanted to pray and work for Mary could do that. Novena is our prayer, sacrifice, catechesis, apostolate, preached sermon, invitation to the Rosary or the devotion of the Five First Saturdays; all this so that Mary would be more known and loved by people all over the world, that the time would come for the triumph of her Immaculate Heart. Therefore, joining the Novena is to fulfill what Mary asked for at Fatima!

The most important aspects of the Fatima message were coined into special themes for the following years. The Great Novena of Fatima, filled with prayer, reflection and catechesis, has helped many people find a way that leads to a “new and better world” (John Paul II): to personal conversion and to the forthcoming hour of the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

The topics of the Great Novena of Fatima in the consecutive years:

  1. SURE OF THE VICTORY (2009) – confrontation with the civilization of death
  2. SAFE ON THE EDGE OF TIME (2010) – always with Mary
  3. MORE THAN WORLDLINESS (2011) – there is heaven, there is hell, there is purgatory
  4. WE DON’T LIVE FOR OURSELVES (2012) – compensation for the sins of the world
  5. THE EUCHARISTIC KEY (2013) – a miracle of miracles that changes everything
  6. INVITED TO HEAVEN (2014) – yet the rosary, scapular, penitential cord
  7. POWER OF THE FAMILY (2015) – home Church, which cannot be prevailed by the gates of the netherworld
  8. GOD IS MERCIFUL (2016) – the last word belongs to God who is Love
  9. ROAD THROUGH THE HEART (2017) – covenant of the hearts: Jesus’, Mary’s and ours.

Joining the work of the Great Novena of Fatima meant to fulfill what Mary had asked for at Fatima: a daily Rosary, dedication to her Immaculate Heart and reparation for the sins that hurt her Immaculate Heart by the Five First Saturdays Devotion. Everyone undertaking the idea of the Novena of Fatima should make one or several of the following commitments:

1. pray the rosary, preferably every day, as Our Lady asked us to do

2. celebrate the service of the first Saturdays for five consecutive first Saturdays of the month, with faith and love repairing for the sins wounding the Immaculate Heart of Mary

3. consciously devote himself to the Immaculate Heart of Mary at least once a year on August, 22, on the Feast of Queenship of Mary (according to the ordinance of Holy Father Pius XII, on that day the whole Church should renew devotion to the Immaculate Heart)

4. say the Great Novena of Fatima, e.g. once a week; this prayer was a sign of unity of everyone joining the Novena

5. participate in Fatima services held on the thirteenth day of the month

6. get to know Mary better and better, e.g. by reading relevant books. None of us will be an apostle of the Message of Fatima until we first know it and live it. 

Everyone joining the work of the Great Novena of Fatima was registered in the Golden Book of the Great Novena, which was offered as a sacrificial gift in Fatima during the 100th Anniversary of the Apparitions of Our Lady.

More information on the Great Novena of Fatima can be found on the Secretariat of Fatima website