Akt poświęcenia Kościoła i Ojczyzny

On June 6, 2017, during the Mass at 18:00, presided by His Excellency Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki, the President of the Polish Episcopal Conference, the Bishops of Poland along with the worshippers of Our Lady of Fatima, renewed


O Holy and Immaculate Virgin!

What words of appreciation shall we praise you with, Mother who have enclosed in your womb the Son, who heavens cannot comprehend? Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.

It has been a hundred years since you appeared to the three children in Fatima, where you asked for prayer and sacrifices for sinners and for the conversion. Today we stand before you – Polish bishops, clergy, consecrated persons, lay faithful – and we turn to your Immaculate Heart, determined to respond to your request with diligence.

It is our desire to, with God’s help – and on different levels of our lives and labour – become one, ceaselessly converting community of the People of God, in which there is no hatred, violence nor exploitation. It is our desire to live in sanctifying grace, so that our Church would become the true Home of God and the Gate of Heaven.

Everybody: Immaculate Heart of Mary, we promise! 

Mother of the Holy Family of Nazareth, be the guardian of Polish families. We want to do everything it takes to defend the dignity of women and to assist the spouses in faithful perseverance in the holy sacramental union. We pledge to defend the marriage, as established by God, and to ignore the whispers of the evil spirit, encouraging us to abuse freedom and to misunderstand tolerance. We want all spouses to reveal the love for God through their life, and we hope for children and the youth not to lose faith and not to fall prey to moral deterioration.

Everybody: Immaculate Heart of Mary, we promise!

Mary, the Shrine of the Holy Spirit, you protected the conceived life of Jesus and now you teach us how to care for the unborn. We want the gift of life to be considered the greatest grace of God and the most precious treasure. We pledge to guard the conceived life, so that every human could grow in peace and security of his own family.

Everybody: Immaculate Heart of Mary, we promise! 

Mother of the Founder of the Church, we, Polish bishops – in our pastoral ministry – will strive to expand and strengthen the Mystical Body of Christ, so that the clergy would remain faithful to God, to the Holy Cross and the Gospels, and the consecrated persons would realize their religious charism and serve as a sign of the presence of your Son.

Everybody: Immaculate Heart of Mary, we promise!

Our Mother and Queen, we want – by means of adopting a genuinely Christian way of life – to contribute to the return of those, who have abandoned the fold of Christ, to assist them in finding your Son again and accepting that only He is “the Way and the Truth and the Life” (John 14, 6).

Everybody: Immaculate Heart of Mary, we promise!

We promise to do everything, so that the will of your Son, and not our own, would come into reality through our personal, family, national and social life. 

By entrusting ourselves to your Immaculate Heart, we want to establish the closest of unions with you, the Most Holy Virgin, and to give ourselves to Christ – the only Saviour, who lives and reigns for ever and ever.

Everybody: Amen.